The BLOG file

Grant to MSc student. Fighting Ovarian Cancer:

Fighting Ovarian Cancer: How Kent Cancer Trust Is Helping to Drive Vital Research

Grant to MSc student. New class of compounds to help treat bladder cancer

My project aims to evaluate a novel compound class, generated by Professor Jennifer Hiscock at the University of Kent and determine their ability to enhance the anti-cancer activity of currently used chemotherapies against bladder cancer cells, in the laboratory of Professor Michelle Garrett

Grant to PhD student. Developing new treatments for bladder cancer.

A patient-centred approach towards developing new treatments for bladder cancer.

Grant to PhD student. Fighting Colorectal Cancer

Fighting Colorectal Cancer: How KCT is Supporting the investigation of a natural compound as a potential new treatment for colorectal cancer.

Grant to PhD student. Research into respiratory infections in intubated patients

Support of a protocol to prevent biofilm forming on indwelling tubing which can be directly applied to a stage 3 clinical trial funding application.

Grant to PhD student. Supporting a new vesicle technology to help fight cancer

Research aiming to develop a new synthetic vesicle-based delivery system that can transport cancer drugs directly to bladder cancer cells.

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