
Kent Cancer Trust is always looking for new projects that it can support. We do not mind who makes the application, but we are particularly interested in ideas that:

  • show clear patient benefit potential or, in the case of equipment, meet a scientific or patient need     and
  • plan to develop a multi disciplinary team both within the hospital and university and between the two groups

The project can be led either by a hospital in Kent or a  Kent based university. If you  need help in identifying an appropriate contact we will do our best to help you to find one.

While we are particularly keen on projects that ensure contact beween clinical staff and scientists, we are able to fund training projects for all members of cancer care teams and promotional material to help explain cancer issues to the wider public.

We do not have a specific form to contain the project plan, since each project is bound to differ so much from others. We do,however, need to know:

  • what you plan to do
  • what resources in terms of people and equipment are required to bring the project to a conclusion
  • what project timescale is envisaged
  • how much the project is anticipated to cost and when those costs are expected to be incurred

Obviously we expect to see a clear explanation of the issues that are hoped to be resolved and the scientific thinking that underpins the idea.

Ideas arise at any time so we do not set a specific time by whch an application for funding should be submitted. Simply write to as soon as you can, so that we have time to evaluate your proposal and be ready to provide funds in sufficient time for you to comence work. We are happy to be consulted at an initial stage to discuss alternatives and to help you to present your proposals in the most effective way.

As the project develops we shall expect regular reports on progress.

Do please take the time to look at the various projects we have funded to date as these may help you in presenting your own ideas.





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